Montag, 17. Februar 2014

Oatmeal Cookies

There is this one thing at IKEA that you jus have to get, every time you are there. For most people that are candles, or blankets or frames for pictures. But I had to get oatmeal cookies every time we stopped by the store.

One day I stumpeld upon this recipe of oatmeal cookies and what should I say? I haven’t bought them at IKEAs since first tried these ones ;)

If you would like to try them too, just go ahead. They are really easy and so  f***ing delicious.

For round about 40 cookies you need:
100 g Butter (or Margarine)
125 g brown sugar
88 g oatmeal
½ vanilla rod
A little bit of salt
1 spoon of maple syrup
½ egg
1 ½ spoon of flour

To do:

Melt the butter and when it’s melted put the oatmeal and the sugar inside the pot. Now you have to let it cool down and rest overnight 

After that you put the flour, the maple syrup, the egg and the oatmeal-sugar-butter mixture in the food processor and mix it till its smooth. 


Put little piles (like ½ teaspoon) onto the baking pan (be sure to add a layer of baking paper before that ;)). Put them circa 6 cm away from each other, because they will start to run.


Now put them for 8 minutes in the oven (170° C). When the rims get brown they are finished. Let them cool a bit before eating ;) 


It's my second and last contribution for this challenge: 
Hafer Rezepte

Enjoy, till next time 
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6 Kommentare:

  1. Woah, die mach ich glaub bald mal nach!
    Sehr cool!

  2. I will try that out it doesn't seem to be too complicated but my next project is finding the perfect blueberry pie recipe :)

  3. yammy
    sieht super lecker aus und ist ja gar nicht so schwer wie ich dachte
    liebe grüße

  4. Sieht total lecker aus :)

  5. Ohh wie lecker. Was für ein tolles Rezept.
    Ich liebe Cookies.
    Muss ich mal ausprobieren.

    Liebe Grüße

  6. omnomnomnomnom! die sehen zum reinbeißen aus! das rezept were ich mir merken :)
    Danke für deinen kommi! bin auch ganz verliebt in die flaschen/vasen :)
    xx Lolo
